Introduction to RASON
About RASON Models and the RASON Server
Rason Subscriptions
Rason Web IDE
Creating and Running a Decision Flow
Defining Your Optimization Model
Defining Your Simulation Model
Performing Sensitivity Analysis
Defining Your Stochastic Optimization Model
Defining Your Data Science Model
Defining Custom Types
Defining Custom Functions
Defining Your Decision Table
Defining Contexts
Using the REST API
REST API Quick Call Endpoints
REST API Endpoints
Decision Flow REST API Endpoints
OData Endpoints
OData Service for Decision Flows
Creating Your Own Application
Using Arrays, For, Loops and Tables
Organization Accounts

Using the Binding Property

What if you wanted to temporarily change the values of the Profit array in order to (say) create a "what if" scenario: "What if", we raised the price of each product by $25? The binding property within the RASON Modeling language serves two functions, one of which is allowable write access to a table or array outside of the RASON model environment. For example, passing binding: "get" to the profits array within the data section would allow us to change the values for this array directly, through a REST API call.

data: { profits: { dimensions: [3], value: [75, 50, 35], binding: "get", finalValue: [] },

To change the array elements in profits to 100, 75, 50; pass the following to a REST API call, via standard HTTP GET parameters, for example:


To change only one element, say the middle element from 50 to 60, use:


What if our data is contained within an outside datasource, such as an SQL database? As mentioned earlier, the RASON V2020 makes it exceptionally easy to work with data sources in the Microsoft ecosystem, such as:

  • OneDrive and OneDrive for Business
  • Common Data Service for Dynamics 365, Power Apps and Power Automate
  • OData and CDS support for Power BI
  • CData Cloud Hub support for access to 100+ enterprise data sources

External data sources may be defined in the (optional) dataSources section. Data from an outside datasource is imported into parametric tables or arrays to be used in 1. formula calculations or 2. as initial starting points for decision variables in a nonlinear optimization model. Currently the RASON modeling language supports nine different data types: "excel" (Microsoft Excel), "access" or "msaccess" (Microsoft Access), "odbc" (ODBC database), "odata" (ODATA database), "mssql" (Microsoft SQL), "oracle" (Oracle database), CSV (Comma Separated Value), "json" (JSON file), or "xml" (XML file). Data sources such as "SQL", "ODBC" and "CSV" contain data in tables with records described by index and value columns. Binding to these data sources results in table objects. Data source types such as Excel and CSV may contain data in 2-dimensional arrays without any descriptions. Binding to these data sources results in array objects. Objects must be bound to data sources within the data section. However, if exporting the results of a solve, we must bind to objects within the variables, constraints, objective, uncertainVariables and uncertainFunctions sections. See the chapter "Using the REST API" for detailed information on how to create a new data connection and then use this connection in your RASON model.

Solving the Model

Optimization models written in the Rason modeling language can be solved in two different ways: 1. Using the RASON REST Server or 2. Calling the Solver SDK directly. You can call the RASON REST server by using the RASON Web IDE on the website or by using the RASON REST API from within your own application. You can call the Solver SDK directly using the RASON Modeling language by using the RASON Desktop IDE or by calling prob.load within a programming language such as C# or Java. No matter how you solve the model, the result will always be valid JSON. See the chapter "Solving RASON Models" for complete details on how to run a simulation model from the Editor page on

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