Introduction to RASON
About RASON Models and the RASON Server
Rason Subscriptions
Rason Web IDE
Creating and Running a Decision Flow
Defining Your Optimization Model
Defining Your Simulation Model
Performing Sensitivity Analysis
Defining Your Stochastic Optimization Model
Defining Your Data Science Model
Defining Custom Types
Defining Custom Functions
Defining Your Decision Table
Defining Contexts
Using the REST API
REST API Quick Call Endpoints
REST API Endpoints
Decision Flow REST API Endpoints
OData Endpoints
OData Service for Decision Flows
Creating Your Own Application
Using Arrays, For, Loops and Tables
Organization Accounts

Setting Up a Simulation Model

When setting up a simulation model in the RASON Modeling language, your model will typically contain these essential segments:

  1. modelName: RASON V2020 supports named and unnamed models. A named model includes the modelName: "name" property in its text. "name" must be a string that can be URL encoded and must be unique among models within a user's account. It is strongly recommended that a model be named to allow for easy recognition and retrieval when multiple models, instances and versions exist in a user's account. See the topic "Using the REST API" for more information on named and unnamed models.
  2. modelType: A new optional top-level property "modelType"={"optimization", "simulation", "datamining", "calculation"} has been introduced in RASON Decision Services V2020 for use with decision flows and standalone models. This property defines the model type as optimization, simulation, datamining or calculation within the RASON script and is used in three ways.
  3. data: Where arrays to be used in the calculation of uncertain functions and/or uncertain variables will be defined.
  4. uncertainVariables: Where the uncertain variables will be defined. In this example, we will define two uncertain variables using the Psi Distribution functions PsiTriangular and PsiIntUniform.
  5. uncertainFunctions: Where the uncertain functions will be defined. In this example, we define one uncertain function which calculates the expected (or average) profit.

As mentioned in the previous topic, Setting Up an Optimization Model, within this overall framework you have a great deal of flexibility in choosing how to define and calculate your uncertain variables and uncertain functions. For example, the uncertain function will ultimately depend on the uncertain variables, but you don't have to calculate the entire function all at once. You can use any number of calculations in the data section to compute intermediate results, and use these to calculate the uncertain function.

The RASON modeling language supports all but a few of Excel's functions which means that you can write a formula easily using Excel's functions such as SUM, SUMPRODUCT, etc. along with operators such as + and *. You can define arrays and use Excel functions that return vector and matrix results and access your data from within an Excel worksheet or a database.

Uncertain Variables

In any problem, there are factors or inputs that you can control - for example, the price you set for a product, and factors or inputs that you cannot control - for example, customer demand, interest rates, etc. Uncertain variables (random variables in mathematics) are used to represent inputs that are uncertain and beyond your control. (It uses decision variables to represent factors or inputs that you can control.)

Uncertain Functions

You will also have outputs or results of interest - such as Net Profit - that you can compute, using formulas that depend on the factors influencing the problem - possibly both decision variables and uncertain variables. We'll use the term uncertain functions for quantities whose calculation depends on uncertain variables (in mathematics these are called functions of random variables).

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