Introduction to RASON
About RASON Models and the RASON Server
Rason Subscriptions
Rason Web IDE
Creating and Running a Decision Flow
Defining Your Optimization Model
Defining Your Simulation Model
Performing Sensitivity Analysis
Defining Your Stochastic Optimization Model
Defining Your Data Science Model
Defining Custom Types
Defining Custom Functions
Defining Your Decision Table
Defining Contexts
Using the REST API
REST API Quick Call Endpoints
REST API Endpoints
Decision Flow REST API Endpoints
OData Endpoints
OData Service for Decision Flows
Creating Your Own Application
Using Arrays, For, Loops and Tables
Organization Accounts

REST Endpoint:{nameorid}/status

A REST API endpoint that retrieves the status of the model previously submitted to GET/POST{nameorid}/optimize, GET/POST{nameorid}/datamine, GET/POST{nameorid}/decision, GET/POST{nameorid}/diagnose, GET/POST{nameorid}/simulate or GET/POST{nameorid}/solve.

Beginning with V2020, the following is tracked and reported:

  1. For standalone RASON/Excel models/stages – The current “message" is reported, similar to the ones reported in Analytic Solver's taskpane: "Loading", "Parsing", "Diagnosing", "Solving", etc. with % progress, when available.
  2. For standalone RASON/Excel Optimization models/stages – Solving progress reported containing information on the elapsed time, incumbent solutions, objective, etc. when available.
  3. For multi-stage flows – Completion status of each stage is reported. For the stage that is currently being solved, 1. and 2. (above) are reported when available.

Note: Initially “status”: “Incomplete” could be reported due to initial model parsing, loading model into memory, etc. or when no message/progress info is yet available or due to a lag in updating the Azure storage with the progress info. In order to avoid frequent table operations, this table is updated every few seconds.

  • URL:{nameorid}/status
  • Method: GET
  • URL Params

    Required: None

    Optional: None

  • Headers:

    Required: Authorization - Example: Authorization: bearer {your RASON token}

    Optional: None

  • Data Params:None
  • Success Response

    Code: 200 (OK)

    Example Request: GET

    Example Response

    • Example: Solve complete

                  "status": "Complete"
    • Example: Solve incomplete, loading workbook

                    "status": "Incomplete",
                    "progress": {
                      "message": "[Status] Loading Workbook:  <workbook name>
    • Example: Solve incomplete, parsing model

                    "status": "Incomplete",
                    "progress": {
                      "message": "[Progress] Parsing…2.755906%
    • Example: Solve incomplete, diagnosing model

                    "status": "Incomplete",
                    "progress": {
                      "message": "[Progress] Diagnosing…75.5906%
    • Example: Solve incomplete (optimization model)

                  "status": "Incomplete",
                  "progress": {
                    "optimization": {
                      "elapsedMilliseconds": 0,
                      "iterations": 0,
                      "subProblems": 0,
                      "localSolutions": 0,
                      "objective": 0.0
    • Example: Solve incomplete, incumbent found (optimization model)

                    "status": "Incomplete",
                    "progress": {
                      "message": "[Status] Solving…",
                      "optimization": {
                        "elapsedMilliseconds": 23028,
                        "iterations": 32,
                        "subProblems": 15240,
                        "localSolutions": 5,
                        "objective": 57.0
Back to GET{nameorid}/stages/{stage}