Introduction to RASON
About RASON Models and the RASON Server
Rason Subscriptions
Rason Web IDE
Creating and Running a Decision Flow
Defining Your Optimization Model
Defining Your Simulation Model
Performing Sensitivity Analysis
Defining Your Stochastic Optimization Model
Defining Your Data Science Model
Defining Custom Types
Defining Custom Functions
Defining Your Decision Table
Defining Contexts
Using the REST API
REST API Quick Call Endpoints
REST API Endpoints
Decision Flow REST API Endpoints
OData Endpoints
OData Service for Decision Flows
Creating Your Own Application
Using Arrays, For, Loops and Tables
Organization Accounts

REST Endpoint: GET:

A REST API endpoint that retrieves the results, in OData format, from the model previously submitted to GET/POST{nameorid}/solve. Given the structured nature of OData URL routing conventions, the resource ID along with the Bearer token must be submitted within the request header.

  • URL:
  • Method: GET
  • URL Params

    Required: None

    Optional: RASON V2020 supports ODATA result queries, i.e.'customers_result_transformation')/data?$select=Country,Age&$filter=Age le 40d and startsWith(Country, 'Fr')&ordersby=Age

  • Headers:

    Required: Authorization - Example: Authorization: bearer {your RASON token}

    Required: Resource ID - Example: resourceID: {yourresourceID}


    1. The Resource ID may also be passed as a query parameter, i.e. ?resourceID=<Your_Resource_ID>
    2. The Resource ID could be a full qualified ID of the completed model instance (with '+' characters encoded using '%2B') or it could be the model name. In the latter case Rason will create the OData feed for the last completed instance for that model name.

    Optional: None

  • Data Params: None
  • Success Response

    Code: 200 (OK)

    Example Response:

          "@odata.context": "$metadata#Result(Data())/$entity",
          "Name": "customers_result_transformation",
          "Data": [
              "_ID": 0,
              "_Name": "Record 1",
              "CustomerID": "c1",
              "Country": "Germany",
              "Age": 30.0
              "_ID": 1,
              "_Name": "Record 2",
              "CustomerID": "c2",
              "Country": "France",
              "Age": 40.0
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