Introduction to RASON
About RASON Models and the RASON Server
Rason Subscriptions
Rason Web IDE
Creating and Running a Decision Flow
Defining Your Optimization Model
Defining Your Simulation Model
Performing Sensitivity Analysis
Defining Your Stochastic Optimization Model
Defining Your Data Science Model
Defining Custom Types
Defining Custom Functions
Defining Your Decision Table
Defining Contexts
Using the REST API
REST API Quick Call Endpoints
REST API Endpoints
Decision Flow REST API Endpoints
OData Endpoints
OData Service for Decision Flows
Creating Your Own Application
Using Arrays, For, Loops and Tables
Organization Accounts

A Decision Table Example Model

RASON users have the ability to create and evaluate Decision Tables, starting with RASON V2019. A decision table contains a set of rules which specify actions to perform based on specific conditions. Decision tables are a good tool to use when there is a consistent number of rules, or conditions, to be evaluated followed by a specific set of actions to be performed once a rule, or condition, is met. For example, the simple decision table below returns a patient's medical risk rating based on their age and medical history.

   modelName : "ExampleDT",
   modelType: "calculation",
   data: {
   age: { value: 54 }, medHistory: { value: 'good' }
   decisionTables: {
      tblRisk: {
         inputs: ['age', 'medHistory'], outputs: ['riskRating', 'rule'],
         rules: [
            ['>60',	  'bad', 	'High',   'r2'],
            ['[25..60]', '-', 	'Medium', 'r3'],
            ['<25',    'good',  'Low',    'r4'],
         hitPolicy: 'Unique'
  formulas: {
   res: { formula: "tblRisk(,,age, medHistory)", finalValue: [] }

The results, as for optimization, simulation and data science models, are returned in JSON. A 54-year old patient with a good medical history rates as "medium" for his/her medical risk rating. See the chapter Defining Decision Tables in RASON for more information on how to define a decision table using the RASON modeling language.

  { "status": {
  "code": 0,
  "id": "2590+productMixCSV2Example+2020-01-02-05-21-19-476102",
  "codeText": "Solver has completed the calculation." },
  "observations": { "res": { "value": [ ["Medium", "r3"] ] } }

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